Hacked By KingSkrupellos CyBeRiZM.OrG Digital Security Technological Moslem Turkish Army Hacked By KingSkrupellos CyBeRiZM.OrG Digital Security Technological Moslem Turkish Army Hacked By KingSkrupellos CyBeRiZM.OrG Digital Security Technological Moslem Turkish Army Hacked By KingSkrupellos CyBeRiZM.OrG Digital Security Technological Moslem Turkish Army Hacked By KingSkrupellos CyBeRiZM.OrG Digital Security Technological Moslem Turkish Army Mr.F92 ~ Muht4R ~ KingSkrupellos ~ Julian ~ 1ht1y@r ~ ByHaklirt ~ Leader Shawai ~ Kolonkun ~ M@ser@ti ~ the_zizil ~ RedStone ~ Stallk3R No Panic. No Damage given to your Website. Low Security. Please patch your system. Eşhedu En La İlâhe İllâllah Ve Eşhedu Enne Muhammeden Abduhu Ve Resuluhu. There is no God but Allah is unique and Hz. Mohammed ( s.a.v ) is the Messenger of Allah ! Hacking is not a crime and sin, it is just to show your website vulnerability and spread our ideological messages ! ALLAH. It all starts with ALLAH the universe, humanity, and our own conception. And it all comes back to ALLAH in the end. There is no victory without ALLAH, no progress, no peace. Strengthen your relationship with ALLAH in the easy times, and you will find ALLAH beside you in the hard times. TURKEY is the real power over the World. Every Country and People will know this. TURKEY is inexpugnable. Turkish National Hymne in English Fear not! For the crimson flag that proudly waves in these dawns, shall never fade Before the last fiery hearth that is ablaze within my nation burns out. And that, is the star of my nation, and it will forever shine; It is mine; and solely belongs to my nation. Frown not, I beseech you, oh thou coy crescent, But smile upon my heroic nation! Why the anger, why the rage? The blood we shed for you will not be worthy otherwise; For freedom is the absolute right of my God-worshipping nation. System Hacked Heykid Defaced Own3D Fuck3D By KingSkrupellos CyBeRiZM Muslim Is/Are Not A Terrorist/s - Unbelievers of Islam are supporters of Terrorism but Islam is the Religion of Peace. When America Takes 1 Million Lives in Iraq For Oil : Not Terrorism When Serbians rape Muslim women In Kosovo/Bosnia Herzegovina : Not Terrorism When Russians Kills 200.00 Cherchens In Bombings : Not Terrorism When Jews Kick Out Palestinians And Take their Palestinian Land : Not Terrorism When America Drones Kill entire Family In Afghanistan/Pakistan : Not Terrorism When Israel Kills 10.000 Lebanese Civilians Due to 2 mising Soldiers : Not Terrorism When Muslims Retaliate and Show you How treat Muslims : Terrorism. No Islam is Religion of Peace. Christianity and Judaism " is Terrorism" That's why - Fuck you USA - Israel - Germany - France - Russia Government Politics You have to obey Turkish Nation and believe to Islam Religion ! Indeed, ALLAH will admit those who have believed and done righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow, but those who disbelieve enjoy themselves and eat as grazing livestock eat, and the Fire will be a residence for them. ( The Holy Quran / Mohammad 12 ) System Hacked Heykid Defaced Own3D Fuck3D By KingSkrupellos CyBeRiZM